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  • China's BRI installs 128 GW with growing renewables impact
    China's BRI installs 128 GW with growing renewables impact
    hina’s Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) marks a milestone with over 300 completed ventures boasting an impressive installed capacity of 128 GW. Despite challenges affecting certain projects, particularly in the realm of coal, the recent Wood Mackenzie report underscores the substantial growth witnessed in the renewable sector, with a specific emphasis on solar energy. Source: Wood Mackenzie Asia Pacific Power & Renewables Service   With an estimated investment of approximately US$200 billion, the BRI has become a key player in shaping the global energy landscape. Renewable energy projects, encompassing wind, solar, and hydro, have emerged as standout performers, constituting 68% of completed projects and 37% of total capacity. Notably, the share of renewables in newbuild capacity has risen from 19% a decade ago to 47% in 2022. The report highlights the increasing importance of renewable energy within the BRI, particularly in light of challenges faced by traditional coal projects. Alex Whitworth, Vice President and Head of Asia Pacific Power and Renewables research at Wood Mackenzie, notes, “The BRI’s influence on power markets is set to grow, with a further 80 GW already under construction or at the planning stage.” “China is changing its overall strategy, so we expect to see more focus on renewables, and more direct investment than the bilateral lending that was more common in the early years of the BRI”, he added. Photo shows the Pingjing PV power station and Dahaizi wind power station in Weining County, Southwest China’s Guizhou Province. Photo: Xinhua   The yearly pipeline of projects is estimated to be around 13 GW, with significant potential for increased wind and solar installations. Renewables are predicted to make up 57% of the planned capacity of 80 GW. Location-wise, Asia is the primary destination for BRI power projects, making up 75% of the total capacity. Pakistan, Vietnam, and Indonesia are the top three markets of BRI power projects out of a total of 72 countries. Looking forward, Asia and Africa are expected to continue to be the top two markets, representing 93% of the future projects. In addition to the great growth potential, the report also highlighted the challenges Chinese companies encountered in overseas power projects. To date, over 20% of projects have been cancelled or shelved, with a total capacity of 54 GW, which included 33 GW of coal, 12 GW of hydro, 6 GW of gas, 2 GW of solar, and 0.4 GW of wind. Coal power projects experienced the greatest impact, mainly due to shifts in policy and political pressure to curtail carbon emissions. The BRI project pipeline has been notably affected by China’s policy announcement in September 2021, stating a commitment to the ‘No new overseas coal power’ initiative. “Most affected projects were in Asia and Africa, with Asia contributing 60% and Africa contributing 32% of the total capacity,” said Whitworth. Solar energy is reshaping the global energy landscape. If you want to build solar energy projects, please contact professional photovoltaic product provider Rongstar. Welcome to to learn and contact us.
    - November 28, 2023
  • Bloomberg New Energy Global Photovoltaic Power Station Development Costs Will Enter a Decline Again
    Bloomberg New Energy Global Photovoltaic Power Station Development Costs Will Enter a Decline Again
    On November 2nd, Kou Nannan, the head of China research at Bloomberg New Energy Finance, shared a report on "Global Development Trends and Key Market Prospects for New Energy" at the 2023 New Energy International Cooperation Forum. For the prediction of future global photovoltaic installation, we believe that the growth in 2023 is very significant compared to 2022, and the Chinese market is the largest. By the first three quarters of this year, China's photovoltaic installation has reached 130 million kilowatts, with a conservative estimate of 170 GW throughout the year, even reaching over 190GW. China's photovoltaic growth is very good.   Whether it is distributed photovoltaic or centralized photovoltaic in Europe, the growth of the European photovoltaic market is relatively good, with a clear growth range in several key countries.  The growth of the photovoltaic market in the United States has been slightly slower this year. With the implementation of some detailed regulations after the Anti Inflation Act, the photovoltaic market in the United States will have a good development in the coming years.   The cost of developing photovoltaic power stations will enter a downward trend again this year.   The focus is more on component prices, which have been reduced to a very low component in the overall development cost. Especially in the European and American markets, the cost of grid connection is higher. From the perspective of photovoltaic grid connection in the United States, data from 2021 to 2022 can be seen that the cost of grid connection is increasing for both photovoltaic and wind power. Analyzing the reasons, it can be seen that there is insufficient investment in the US power grid, and there is also a problem of insufficient investment in the European power grid, posing huge challenges to the development of new energy.   The cost of household photovoltaic market has also shown a significant decrease, while according to data released by Germany and the United States, the overall household cost is showing an upward trend. It is unclear whether energy storage is included behind this trend. But from the changes in numbers, it is found that energy storage will become a new growth point for market demand in the future on the household side.   For more photovoltaic consulting and products, please log in
    - November 22, 2023
  • Awarded by TW Solar as "Most Valuable Partner"
    Awarded by TW Solar as "Most Valuable Partner"
    On November 13th, the 6th China International Photovoltaic Industry Conference and TW Solar Energy Decade Global Partner Conference of 2023 were grandly held in Chengdu. The theme of the conference is "Building a Dream, Double Carbon, and Smart Future". Global photovoltaic industry elites gather in Chengdu to jointly explore cutting-edge technologies in the industry and gain insights into the future of photovoltaic development. During the celebration, a series of rich activities were held, including the Global Partner Conference, Award Ceremony for Excellent Partners, Exhibition of Excellent Cooperation Achievements, Release of Important Win-win Plans, and Visit and Exchange of TW Solar Energy Base. The aim was to improve the upstream and downstream industry cooperation ecosystem from a global perspective, create new momentum for cooperative brands, and jointly build a good industry ecology. In the process of cooperation with TW Solar, Rongstar has always adhered to the principles of reliability, compliance, sustainability, and win-win cooperation, and has deployed localized warehousing and services for overseas photovoltaics to multiple countries. It has always been customer-oriented and provides high-quality products and services to customers. At this partner conference, TW Solar presented the Most Valuable Partner medal to both Rongstar Energy GmbH and the world's leading photovoltaic distributor BayWa r. e! This is recognition of our local sales and service, as well as recognition of our long-standing adherence to the principles of reliability, compliance, and sustainability.   Rongstar Group Awarded "Most Valuable Partner As a company based on overseas local warehousing and after-sales service, Rongstar has always been committed to becoming a respected overseas local channel distribution company. We deeply understand that only by continuously improving our own strength can we win the trust and support of our customers. Therefore, we always adhere to customer demand orientation and provide high-quality products and services to our customers. Winning the Most Valuable Partner medal from TW Solar this time is a great recognition of our continuous efforts over the years. We will continue to wholeheartedly provide higher quality photovoltaic products and localized services for overseas markets, especially the European market. Thanks for TW Solar and your support! Thanks to our customers for their continuous attention and love! In the future, Rongstar will continue to work hard and work together with you to create a better future! Welcome to contact Rongstar and creating a Bright Photovoltaic Future Together!  
    - November 16, 2023
  • Can perovskite batteries become a new favorite in the photovoltaic industry?
    Can perovskite batteries become a new favorite in the photovoltaic industry?
      Can perovskite batteries become a new favorite in the photovoltaic industry? On June 16, last year, Science magazine reported that Princeton University in the United States has developed the first commercially feasible 2D perovskite solar cell. The team expects its equipment to operate for about 30 years beyond industry standards. If mass production can be achieved, the stability problem of perovskite batteries is expected to be fundamentally solved. If this technology can truly be implemented, combined with the high efficiency and low cost advantages of perovskite batteries, the market for perovskite components will be unlimited. However, in the field of perovskite photovoltaic cells, known as the "third generation photovoltaic cell technology", who can enter the market in the future depends on which production line can be put into operation on a large scale.   Why is it calcium carbide? In recent years, China's photovoltaic industry has experienced a period of high light, among which the most eye-catching is crystalline silicon batteries. Nowadays, the situation where crystalline silicon batteries dominate the world is expected to be broken by the "third generation photovoltaic cell technology" perovskite. Why was calcium carbide battery technology the first to break through? Compared to crystalline silicon batteries, perovskite photovoltaic cells have shown significant progress in reducing costs and improving efficiency. In other words, perovskite meets the fundamental development requirements of reducing costs and increasing efficiency in the photovoltaic industry. In terms of improving efficiency, perovskite photovoltaic cells have made remarkable progress in the past few years. The maximum efficiency of single junction perovskite type solar cells is currently 25.7%, and stacking with various types of cells can further improve conversion efficiency. The theoretical limit efficiency of double junction stacked cells is 46%, indicating that perovskite materials have great potential for energy conversion performance. In contrast, traditional crystalline silicon solar cells achieved similar efficiency improvements over a longer period of time, approximately 40 years.   The theoretical efficiency of perovskite batteries reaches 33% (source: company announcement, Guotai Junan Securities Research)   In terms of cost reduction, due to the fact that the perovskite industry chain and process length are shortened by half compared to crystalline silicon, the production cost of perovskite components after large modulus production is expected to be reduced to less than 50% of the ultimate cost of crystalline silicon components. At present, the stacking of perovskite crystalline silicon at both ends combines the advantages of perovskite and crystalline silicon. Among them, perovskite HJT batteries are favored by the industry due to their process adaptability and efficiency potential. Due to the more mature development of crystalline silicon batteries and simpler preparation processes, with the further improvement of stacking efficiency, they are currently the most commercially cost-effective.   The cost of perovskite batteries is expected to decrease to below 0.6 yuan/W (source: GCL Optoelectronics, company announcement, Guotai Junan Securities Research)   Perovskite photovoltaic, as an emerging photovoltaic technology, not only has laboratory efficiency comparable to that of shoulder crystalline silicon photovoltaic, but also has significant advantages in cost and process. In addition, perovskite photovoltaics have excellent weak light performance and adjustable photoelectric characteristics, which are characteristics that crystalline silicon photovoltaics do not possess. This makes perovskite photovoltaics more imaginative in application scenarios.   The rapidly developing perovskite battery industry: On November 3rd, Longji Green Energy was certified by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) of the United States. The company's independently developed crystalline silicon perovskite stacked battery achieved an efficiency of 33.9%, which is currently the highest record for the efficiency of crystalline silicon perovskite stacked batteries worldwide. Previously, the record was 33.7%.   Photovoltaic leaders lay out crystalline silicon layers and promote industrial development through multiple routes. At present, the layout of listed companies mainly focuses on perovskite crystalline silicon stacking, with perovskite stacking Perc/Topcon/HJT multiple routes coexisting. For example, photovoltaic leaders such as Longji Green Energy and Tongwei Co., Ltd. have successively entered the market, which is expected to promote the industrial development of stacked batteries. The start-up company's stacked batteries cover multiple fields such as full perovskite stacking, perovskite crystalline silicon stacking, perovskite copper indium gallium selenium stacking, etc. The final victory of the specific route also depends on the future efficiency improvement and cost reduction effects. On October 27th, after being certified by the National Photovoltaic Industry Measurement and Testing Center, Photovoltaic Technology achieved an efficiency of 21.63% on 30cm * 40cm large-area perovskite battery modules, continuing to lead the perovskite battery industry. (The test results are from the National Photovoltaic Industry Measurement and Testing Center)     It should be pointed out that laboratory level efficiency still needs to be validated in large-scale production, and stability challenges still exist. However, the rapid development of perovskite photovoltaic cells provides an accurate and powerful solution for reducing costs and increasing efficiency in the photovoltaic industry, and its broad market prospects are beyond doubt. From the perspective of production line scale and project progress in the perovskite industry, 2022 is the first year of perovskite industrialization. In this year, the perovskite industry was not only able to stably produce qualified products, complete shipments and engineering construction on time, but also smoothly connect terminals to the grid for power generation. With the advancement of industrialization, related enterprise investment and financing events have become active, and dozens of new startups have been established in the perovskite field. Schematic diagram of China's perovskite battery industry industry chain Source: Guanzhi Hainei Consulting There has been considerable progress in the commercialization of calcium titanium minerals in the industry. In April this year, the 1GW perovskite photovoltaic production line with a total investment of 3 billion yuan in polar photovoltaics began construction, and is expected to be put into operation in the third quarter of next year; The Renshuo Solar 150MW production line will be put into operation by the end of this year, and the component area will be enlarged to 1.2m * 0.6m. Guangyin Technology completed a 50 million angel round financing in early April 2023, setting a record for the largest single angel round financing in the industry. Its 10MW small trial line began construction in mid April 2023 and was completed by the end of June, making it the world's fastest to put into operation. It is expected that a 100MW pilot line will be completed by the end of 2024, and the component area will be expanded to square meters. It can be foreseen that the expansion of industrial production will accelerate in 2024, with more 100 MW level production lines and some GW level production lines starting and operating. 2025 may enter the mature commercialization stage ahead of schedule Figure: Opening Ceremony of the 1GW Perovskite Photovoltaic Production Line with Polar Solar Energy The future track has emerged, where are the pain points In the field of perovskite photovoltaic cells, there is a state of contention among a hundred schools of thought. Whether it is perovskite crystalline silicon stacking, perovskite layered Perc/Topcon/HJT technology, or all perovskite stacking, perovskite copper indium gallium selenium stacking, and other technologies, the future perovskite battery technology environment is likely to have the phenomenon of multiple technologies coexisting with the current crystalline silicon battery, The final market share and survival of the fittest still depend on the demand for future application scenarios. Although the cost reduction and efficiency enhancement of perovskite photovoltaic cells have long been proven feasible at the technical level, the ultimate pain point cannot be separated from the demand for cost reduction and efficiency improvement in the photovoltaic industry. This means that perovskite batteries need to solve not only the stability of the product itself, fast efficiency decay rate, and toxic lead content during the production stage. The more fundamental issue is that if we want to gradually replace the current market situation dominated by crystalline silicon batteries, we must quickly promote the efficient and low-cost perovskite photovoltaic battery industry chain and mass production capacity.   With the continuous progress of perovskite battery technology, the growth of market demand, capital investment, and continuous policy support, we have every reason to believe that perovskite batteries are expected to gradually achieve commercial large-scale applications and become an important pillar of the photovoltaic industry. At RONGSTAR Energy we are proud to play a part in the global solar energy development. We have years-long experience in the distribution and wholesale supply of photovoltaic solar panels, inverters, construction, storage systems and other components for photovoltaics. View more photovoltaic products and solutions- Deye Inverters,TW SOLAR Panel,APsystems Solar Inverter Distributor (      
    - November 15, 2023
  • The Influence of Solar as the Future Clean Energy Mainstay on the European Energy Landscape
    The Influence of Solar as the Future Clean Energy Mainstay on the European Energy Landscape
    The Influence of Solar as the Future Clean Energy Mainstay on the European Energy Landscape In recent years, the world has witnessed a growing global shift towards renewable energy sources in a bid to mitigate climate change and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Among these sources, photovoltaics (PV) has emerged as a leading technology, harnessing the power of the sun to generate clean electricity. Transition to Clean Energy:Europe has been at the forefront of renewable energy adoption, with numerous countries setting ambitious targets to transition to clean energy sources. PV plays a pivotal role in this transition, providing a decentralized and widely accessible clean energy solution. With abundant solar resources, Europe has made significant investments in PV installations, driving a rapid expansion of solar power generation across the continent. Increased Energy Independence:PV offers Europe the opportunity to enhance energy independence and reduce reliance on imported fossil fuels. By harnessing the power of the sun, countries can generate electricity domestically, diversifying their energy mix and reducing vulnerability to global energy price fluctuations. Furthermore, PV installations can be integrated into existing infrastructure, such as rooftops and unused land, ensuring efficient land use and minimal environmental impact. Job Creation and Economic Growth:The growth of the PV industry in Europe has created a surge in job opportunities and economic growth. As PV installations increase, a wide range of employment opportunities emerge, including manufacturing, installation, operation, and maintenance of PV systems. This expansion not only contributes to the creation of skilled jobs but also stimulates local economies, attracting investments and fostering innovation in related sectors. Decentralized Energy Generation:PV enables decentralized energy generation, shifting control and ownership of energy production to individuals, communities, and businesses. This democratization of energy empowers consumers to become prosumers, actively participating in the energy market by generating their own electricity. Additionally, PV combined with energy storage technologies allows for local energy self-sufficiency and grid resilience, reducing the risk of power outages and enhancing energy security. Environmental Benefits and Carbon Reduction:By displacing conventional fossil fuel-based power generation, PV significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions and mitigates environmental pollution. The integration of PV into the energy mix contributes to achieving European Union targets for reducing carbon emissions, fostering a low-carbon economy, and combating climate change. With further advancements in PV technology and increased deployment, Europe can accelerate its transition to a sustainable energy future. Conclusion:Photovoltaics is poised to be a driving force in shaping the future of the European energy landscape. The adoption of PV as a clean energy mainstay brings multiple benefits, including reduced reliance on fossil fuels, increased energy independence, job creation, decentralized energy generation, and significant environmental benefits. As Europe continues to embrace renewable energy sources, photovoltaics will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in the continent's journey towards a sustainable and decarbonized future.   Solar power is the key to a clean energy future. Every day, the sun gives off far more energy than we need to power everything on earth. That’s why we’re investing heavily in solar plants customers                                                                      One stop solutions: Two solar panels+one microinveter+two brackets=one full set of balcony system.You will not longer bear the high cost of electricity, why not take a try? DIY At home to have sun and Fun with your family~ Rongstar Energy Aachen warehouse:3MW of 400M/410M(black frame)/400MB(full black),first come first serve, View more photovoltaic products and solutions- Deye Inverters,TW SOLAR Panel,APsystems Solar Inverter Distributor (
    - November 08, 2023
  • Flexibler Versand von Rongstar Energy!
    Flexibler Versand von Rongstar Energy!
    Flexibler Versand von Rongstar Energy! Sie können Waren bestellen, die auf dem Luftweg nach Aachen kommen, oder separat aus China versenden. Testbestellungen sind willkommen. Lager Aachen: Oppenerstraße 67-71, 52146 Würselen, Deutschland. Xiamen-Lager: Longshan Middle Road, Nr. 70, Siming-Bezirk, Xiamen, China. Jede Woche liefern wir 2500 Stück Sun600 + 500 Stück Sun800 per Express. 7./14./21./28. Oktober. Schnelle Lieferung mit konkurrenzfähigem Preis und bestem Service, deshalb wählen uns viele Kunden. Warum wenden Sie #solarpanels#solarenergy#solarenergie#solar#deye#photovoltaic#photovoltaik#pv#omerver#wandler#Deutschland #PVsolar #pvmodule #solarmodule #solarinverter #microinverter #solarmountingsystem #Wechselrichter #Solarmodul #ongrid #residentalgrid #balkonsolarplant #Photovoltaikanlage #Balkonpflanze
    - September 08, 2023
  • The SNEC 2023 is closed (24-26. May), but the passion for TW solar and Deye inverters has never stopped.
    The SNEC 2023 is closed (24-26. May), but the passion for TW solar and Deye inverters has never stopped.
    The SNEC 2023 is closed (24-26. May), but the passion for TW solar and Deye inverters has never stopped. Please take a look at some highlights of the fair.
    - September 08, 2023
  • Tongwei ist die Top 8 für H1 2023!
    Tongwei ist die Top 8 für H1 2023!
    Tongwei ist die Top 8 für H1 2023! Herzlichen Glückwunsch, wir werden dieses Jahr sicher noch mehr Erfolge erzielen. Wir haben TW, 405 W (vollschwarz)/415 W (schwarzer Rahmen)/425 W (schwarzer Rahmen)/430 W (schwarzer Rahmen)/550 W (silberner Rahmen). ) in Lagerbeständen:Oppenerstraße 67-71, 52146 Würselen, Deutschland
    - August 28, 2023
  • Why deye (#sun600/sun800) micro inverters are so popular with households?
    Why deye (#sun600/sun800) micro inverters are so popular with households?
    Why deye (#sun600/sun800) micro inverters are so popular with households? Not only the solar energy can make our planet better, but also the electricity bill can be lower money from it in the very future.   2Plates+1Micro+2Holder+2Hooks+1Extension=1Complete system for home use. (called balcony power plants)   If you are interested in micro inverters, please contact me. sun600 and balcony fixtures in stock. sun800 by air, will be around 28. February to early March.   ? Warehouse: Oppenerstraße 67-71, 52146 Würselen, Germany )   ? Rongstar Energy Limited   ? Headquarters: Xiamen DJSC Energy Technology Limited   ? Branches: Xiamen, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Germany, Poland, Netherlands   ☎ Mobile phone |86 1333841808   ? E-mail:   /rose Whatapp me:   Linkedin me:   #Warehouse#Energy#Tripod #Assembly #Solar Modules #Hybrid Inverters #Microinverters #Solar Power System #Solar Energy #Solar Energy #Omerver#Converter#falownik#deye#rise #PVsolar #pvmodule #solarinverter #microinverter #solarmountingsystem #Inverter #Solar Module # ongrid #Residentalgrid #balcony solar plant #Photovoltaic plant #Balcony plant   #Solar #Solar #Solar #Solar #Photovoltaic #PV #Energy #Microroom Former #MicroInverters #Solar Panels #Brackets #Tripod #Hooks #Extension Cable   #inverters #deye #solar #micro inverters   #Microinverters #Inverters   #Solar #Solar module #Photovoltaics   #solar #panousolar #photovoltaics #photovoltaics #balcony power plant  
    - August 28, 2023
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